

The Care Program offers encouragement and resources to women in need.

Our Care Program is comprised of women from our Purposeful Living community dedicated to pouring into other women within and outside of our community through encouragement and resources. Women and businesses have partnered with us to offer connection to resources and by giving and offering encouragement through encouragement cards and care boxes, which we refer to as Boxes of Love. The help and encouragement women receive from our Purposeful Living Care Program is the life-blood of our organization. We are here to love, encourage, support, uplift and help give hope to every woman within our reach. We recognize our Care Program volunteers also often need the same support and encouragement and the goal of our team is to come together in community to support one another while linking arms to lift others up.

Need Care or Want to Nominate another Woman for Care?

Boxes of Love

Care Cards & Cookies



Care Pillars

One of the main ways our Care Program provides encouragement is through our Boxes of Love ministry. We provide a small box of love filled with gifts for women in need of encouragement. Come help us fill them!

We are also accepting donations for the Boxes of Love. Please consider donating from our Amazon wishlist or donating other fun treats! Want to know how to donate or other ways to partner with us? Please email email to coordinate! 

A heartwarming event in which we write cards of encouragement to women in our community! 

We spend time writing encouraging notes to women in our community while enjoying each other’s company and delicious cookies!

Prayer Call

  • Join us each week as we pray over the needs in our community.

Event Prayer

  • Pray over Purposeful Living events in the comfort of your own home.

We connect women to resources that fit their needs. Find our list of Resources here.

Current Boxes of Love Partners

Want to Help?

1) Attend our next Boxes of Love event

2) Donate items for our Boxes of Love from our Amazon Wishlist 

3) Ask how you can partner with us as a Business Owner/Volunteer at

Care Program Testimonials

Purposeful Living Care Program- You are such a bright light in the lives of others! Thank you for always LIFTING women up and encouraging them to be graceful and gentle with themselves!
I seriously can’t thank you enough! I haven’t had a gift basket like this in a long time. I can’t put into words what it means to me! You have no idea how much I needed to hear the words you shared. There are so many minutes, days, weeks I wonder if anyone cares. Thank you for reminding me that my tribe believes in me!
WOW! Feeling so grateful to GOD for my Purposeful Living family!! The Care Program sent me some love today and I can’t express the emotion that welled up inside me as I read the card. When someone takes the time and energy to stop and tell you “I see you and you are loved.” We all need to hear it! Thank you, ladies, for your amazing hearts to spread love and encouragement!!
I was at the launch of Purposeful Living, the first anniversary, the clothing swap, two big breakfasts and the conference in January. The fact that you all blessed me so abundantly after my unexpected medical procedures this year means even more! All the get-well cards and most of the meals were from women serving through your non-profit. I could go on and on about how much your intentional acts of service have helped me heal and know that God’s got me. You really are fulfilling your purpose and helping women rise above their difficult circumstances within a loving community that truthfully didn’t exist prior to your launch. Heal, grow, inspire and empower INDEED!